God and Subway


Sometimes you’re thankful when you don’t want to be.

You worship when you don’t feel like it.

You work until you almost faint from hunger.

You sit down because if you don’t, you’ll pass out.

You have no food and no time to go anywhere so you buy string cheese and peanut butter pretzels.

You know it won’t help you feel any better because you’re too far gone.

But you say thank you anyway and ask for strength to make it the rest of the way.

And then a woman you’ve never met walks into the room having no idea how you feel and says,

“I bought this Subway sandwich on my way to work cause I really felt like I needed to buy it and have it here for someone. Do you want it?”

And you take it, only to find out it’s the exact kind of Subway sandwich you always order, even down to the light mayo and extra lettuce.

And even though you’re an hour away from home and don’t really know anyone in this new place, a tear forms in your eye as you say “Thank you” to more than one.

And sometimes when you really need it God gives you a Subway sandwich.


Think of all the good God could do through us if we quit trying to put His works into our daily plans. If we stopped ignoring the inklings we have to do the unreasonable. God isn’t limited to just buying sandwiches. We can’t reason through the actions or understand the methods of an all-knowing God. We can only be His servants here on earth.

What would happen if we all listened to that something inside pushing us toward action?


One thought on “God and Subway

  1. Karentennis

    Thanks go out to the stranger that helped you. Everyone needs a little help from time to time…let me be the one to help today. 😉

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