Helpful Writing Sites

As I’ve been extremely ill for the last few years I haven’t had the time or energy to update this page as much as I’d like. Slowly working on it. Hope it’s still helpful!

Writing Resources: (I’ve used em. I love em.)

  1. Read. Read everything.
  2. The Daily Dahlia – Just go look around. Seriously.
  3. Rachelle Gardner – The second writing site I came across long ago. From an agent perspective, with tons of industry posts and helpful links!
  4. Livia Blackburne’s Writing Blog – She’s a NEUROSCIENTIST, y’all. BRAINS.
  5. Wordcount Dracula – Wordcount questions? Literary Agent Jennifer Laughran has ALL THE ANSWERS.
  6. The Big Ol’ Genre Glossary – Genre questions? Agent Jennifer Laughran again. Lots of opinions about genre distinctions, but this is a good place to start.
  7. Pub Rants – From Nelson Literary Agency. SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE HERE!
  8. Jody Hedlund’s For Writers – When I decided to seriously pursue writing, I found this author’s blog first. Very helpful!


Writing Resources that appear helpful: (I can’t vouch for em but maybe someone else can.)

  1. Basics of Plot Development
  2. Rachel Simon’s The Writer’s Writing Guide – An online free book. This link takes you to the table of contents.
  3. Calculating Reading Levels
  4. Absolute Write – Forums anyone can post in. Wade through, see if anything helpful pops out.
  5. How to Write the Ending
  6. How to Pull off a Plot Twist by Livia Blackburne – Based on WHEN YOU REACH ME, by Rebecca Stead


Agent / Author Interviews

  1. Writers Like Us Series – Interview series by Valerie Cole, YA author represented by Agent Lauren MacLeod
  2. Agents Like Us Series – Samesies as above. But with agents.
  3. Literary Rambles – Agent information galore! (Check out the sidebar on the left!) Of course, do your research on the agent/agency websites for most current information!
  4. Perpetual WIPs – Anonymous interview series. Pick your category! Agents? Check. Querying writers? Check. Published Writers? Check. And everything in between. From YA Author, Dahlia Alder.
  5. Agent Interviews – A compilation of agent interviews listed by agent name from YA Author, Dahlia Alder again.
  6. Query. Sign. Submit. – Author Dee Romito‘s series of interviews with both agents and authors.


Successful Query Letters

  1. Rachel Hawkins – Author: Hex Hall series (and more). Agent: Holly Root, Waxman Leavell.
  2. Natalie Lloyd – Author: A Snicker of Magic. Agent: Suzie Townsend.
  3. Writer’s Digest Successful Queries Series – Interviews with agents about Successful Query Letters
  4. List of Successful Query Letters by Genre – Galleycat. (My friend Jen Malone is number 9 for her Middle Grade novel!)
  5. Query Shark – Agent Janet Reid dissects queries and writers until revision SUCCESS. <–Like how I phrased that? I do. I’m leaving it. Janet Reid is a SHARK. Maybe she really does dissect writers.
  6. Agent Suzie Townsend’s Blog: Queries Section – Everything from her clients’ successful queries, to critiques, to status updates on her query inbox.
  7. Nathan Bransford’s How to Write a Query Letter – This site has a TON of tips for everything writing and publishing.
  8. QUERY: Everything you need to get started, get noticed, and get signed. – Author CJ Redwine’s super helpful e-book that includes everything from researching agents to her own successful query letter.
  9. HUGE list of “How I Got My Agent” stories. – Dee Romito’s blog


Publishing Organizations / Sites

  • SCBWI – Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Check for local chapters!
  • MWA – Mystery Writers of America
  • AAR – Association of Authors’ Representatives
  • RWA – Romance Writers of America
  • PM – Publisher’s Marketplace
  • Publisher’s Weekly